La Festa Mille Mille Miglia 2015


This year, the 19th “La Festa Mille Miglia - The Vintage Car Festival” will be held, in connection to Mille Miglia, one of the most beautiful festival of vintage cars in the world, held in Italy.

This event is based on three fundamental ideologies: «The Three Smiles».
First of all, the «Smile» of the participants, the second is the «Smile» of the spectators on the streets and the last, but not the least, is the «Smile» of the staff members. The Event has no meaning if even just one of them is missing.
Of course, when a participant’s car has problems, he misses a course, or the competition is not very favorable for him, the «Smile» of the participant will be lost. And the «Smile» of the spectators depends on the climate, for example rain, cold weather, etc. Even the «Smile» of the staff will be lost as the day goes by.
However, these «Smiles» will come back:
When participants realize that their car’s conditions are back, or when they haven’t made so many mistakes in the competition and arrived at the finish line without incidents; when the spectators have felt a deep sympathy with the participants during the Event; when the staff members end up the whole procedure, no longer feel the fatigue and will smile again.

As “La Festa Mille Miglia” Organizing Committee, we’d like to remember together the three fundamental values of the Event:
- Respect for the vintage cars which today cannot be any longer created - Expand the friendship with the participants, audience and staff members in and out of Japan - Always feeling young at heart -
We have the intention of handing down many of these magnificent cars that cannot be any longer create, and to have this recognized as a cultural event. We’ll continue to organize it with this goals in mind.

La Festa Mille Miglia 2015 Organizing Committee